Series: The Authority of the Believer
Discover WHO you are in Christ and WHAT belongs to you!
Discover WHO you are in Christ and WHAT belongs to you!
Knowing who you are in Christ and what belongs to you will change everything in your...
Knowing who you are in Christ and what belongs to you will change everything in your...
Discover the importance of knowing who you are in Christ in this message on "First...
In Christ, every spiritual blessings belong to us. Authority belongs to us whether we...
In Christ, every spiritual blessings belong to us. Authority belongs to us whether we...
The authority of the Lord Jesus Christ has been delegated to believers and to the...
The authority of the Lord Jesus Christ has been delegated to believers and to the...
Our battle is not against flesh and blood, but against principalities and powers. Our...
Our battle is not against flesh and blood, but against principalities and powers. Our...
Christ has delegated His authority to believers and the Church, and we are to use and...
Christ has delegated His authority to believers and the Church, and we are to use and...
As led by the Holy Spirit, on Sunday, December 15, Pastor shared what the Holy Spirit...
It is men who stop revival, and it is men who hinder the work of God. Discover the...
It is men who stop revival, and it is men who hinder the work of God. Discover the...
You have been given the authority, within the boundaries of the Word of God.
If you are born again, you are a part of the Body of Christ. Every part of the body is...
Our Heavenly Father did not predestine us to live our lives getting kicked around by...
We are to rule and reign in life through Christ, and that requires that we exercise...
We are to rule and reign in life through Christ, and that requires that we exercise...