Series: The Truth About Money
Series Information

Discover the Truth About Money and how you can work God's plan for financial prosperity.
Discover the Truth About Money and how you can work God's plan for financial prosperity.
How we handle money reveals the heart! When someone's not right with their money...
How we handle money reveals the heart! When someone's not right with their money...
Too many Christians wrongly assume that lack, not enough, and poverty are all normal...
For faithful, obedient Christians, the curse is NOT normal! What's normal is the...
Everything in Jacob's life changed when he embraced the faith patten of his...
When you walk in covenant with God, the Holy Spirit will give you divine ideas for...
With God and with the help of God, dreams do come true! You can prosper right where...
God has a formula for your success that has not changed and will not change!
God has a formula for your success that has not changed and will not change!
God's financial plan is simple! When you work God's plan for your finances, the first...
God's financial plan is simple! When you work God's plan for your finances, the first...
Discover how wisdom, wealth, and honor all go hand-in-hand. Proverbs 8:18 says that...
Discover how wisdom, wealth, and honor all go hand-in-hand. Proverbs 8:18 says that...
Discover how you can activate God's power in your life and circumstances!
Discover how you can activate God's power in your life and circumstances!
To go the distance with God, get rid of any idols in your life and have a right heart...
To go the distance with God, get rid of any idols in your life and have a right heart...
In this special Easter message, discover how nothing is too hard for the Lord, no...
In this special Easter message, discover how nothing is too hard for the Lord, no...
No matter what the temptations may be, the price for disobedience is far too high...
With God all things are possible! No matter what challenges you have faced in 2020...
With God all things are possible! No matter what challenges you have faced in 2020...
In the Bible, wealth and honor go hand-in-hand and wealth and honor both come from...
In the Bible, wealth and honor go hand-in-hand and wealth and honor both come from...
You can stop the curse in your life! Learn HOW in this powerful message!
You can stop the curse in your life! Learn HOW in this powerful message!
Compromise is always a path to destruction!
Compromise is always a path to destruction!
When you do things God’s way, God will give you beauty for ashes. But when you do...
With God, all things are possible! In just 24 hours everything can change!
Connections matter! Listen to or watch this life-changing message on "The Power of...
God's way is the best way in every area of life! Discover the higher way for living life!
God's way is the best way in every area of life! Discover the higher way for living life!
No matter what is going on in the world, God has a plan to prosper you! In the midst...
No matter what is going on in the world, God has a plan to prosper you! In the midst...
Discover how God has promised to bless the work of your hands!
Discover how God has promised to bless the work of your hands!
If you will delight yourself in the Lord, God will bless you with the desires of your...
If you will delight yourself in the Lord, God will bless you with the desires of your...
How did America go from being blessed to being cursed?
How did America go from being blessed to being cursed?
How did America go from being blessed to being cursed? Discover the answer in the...
How did America go from being blessed to being cursed? Discover the answer in the...
If you want to live a life blessed by God, then you must be a DOER of God's Word! God...
Living a blessed life means we're living an obedient life according to the Word of God.
To walk in the blessings of God in both this life and in eternity, you must store up...
To walk in the blessings of God in both this life and in eternity, you must store up...
You don't have to live a life of lack or not enough with holes in your pockets. You...
You don't have to live a life of lack or not enough with holes in your pockets. You...
What makes the difference between success and failure? What makes the difference...
What makes the difference between success and failure? What makes the difference...
Discover how God wants you to live a life of productivity!
What are you doing with the gifts, talents, and abilities God has given you?
What are you doing with the gifts, talents, and abilities God has given you?
Prosperity without a purpose can lead to trouble. God wants to bless you so you can be...
Prosperity without a purpose can lead to trouble. God wants to bless you so you can be...
Eternity is forever and how we live in this life determines our eternal destiny!
Heaven and hell are both real places and eternity is FOREVER. What we do in this life...
When it comes to how you handle money and your finances, live a life of truth...
Why is the church in America today so POWERLESS? Because the people of God have NOT...
When you put God first, you don't have to live a life of WORRY! God will provide and...
When you put God first, you don't have to live a life of WORRY! God will provide and...
A generous life is a blessed life!
Money—and HOW we handle money—and HOW we USE money—reveals our heart and priorities.
The harvest is always greater than the seed! Listen to this positive message and...
The harvest is always greater than the seed! Listen to this positive message and...
God's system of economics is designed to cost you nothing! Learn HOW to work God's...
God's system of economics is designed to cost you nothing! Learn HOW to work God's...
Don't let religion or religious people talk you out of the blessings of God! Discover...
Don't let religion or religious people talk you out of the blessings of God! Discover...
Our wonderful Heavenly Father wants you to live a life of MORE THAN ENOUGH! Our great...
Our wonderful Heavenly Father wants you to live a life of MORE THAN ENOUGH! Our great...
Obedience is the key to your success!
Obedience is the key to your success!
In a time when the world is cursed, you can live a life of harvest!
In a time when the world is cursed, you can live a life of harvest!
Why do so many believers fail to walk in the blessing and prosperity of God? They...
When it comes to giving and receiving, it is more productive to give and to be a...
When it comes to giving and receiving, it is more productive to give and to be a...
Real Bible faith is faith that can be seen!
Real Bible faith is faith that can be seen!
Watch or listen to this special 37th anniversary message from Dr. Gene Lingerfelt and...
Jesus Christ is our high priest forever in the order of Melchizedek. Discover how you...
Jesus Christ is our high priest forever in the order of Melchizedek. Discover how you...
Under the New Covenant, Jesus is the high priest of our tithe. When we tithe and walk...
Under the New Covenant, Jesus is the high priest of our tithe. When we tithe and walk...
Discover the power of making your word come to pass!
Discover the power of making your word come to pass!
Discover how you can walk in supernatural provision by walking in financial covenant...
Discover how you can walk in supernatural provision by walking in financial covenant...
When you become a covenant man or woman like Jacob, you can walk in the supernatural...
When you become a covenant man or woman like Jacob, you can walk in the supernatural...
Discover how over time you can walk in the abundance and prosperity of God in every...
Discover how over time you can walk in the abundance and prosperity of God in every...