
4 Goals for 2024

by Dr. Austin Lingerfelt on May 21, 2024

In December, Pastor challenged us to believe God for a DOUBLING in 2024! With God, ALL THINGS are POSSIBLE! However, we must DO our part!

On Vision Sunday, January 7th, Pastor challenged us ALL to do these 4 things in 2024 

  1. Be in church every time the doors are open.
  2. Be on time (or early)! And, worship ENTHUSIASTICALLY!
  3. Tell someone about Jesus every month.
  4. Pray for a sick person—IN PERSON—every month.

As the Bible tells us in Acts 9:31 – we believe that in 2024, we will enjoy “a time of peace;” being “strengthened and encouraged by the Holy Spirit;” that we will grow “in numbers, living in the fear of the Lord.” Acts 9:31 NIV84

Visit this link to watch or listen to Pastor's message from Vision Sunday 2024.

Tags: growth, witnessing, goals, 2024

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