In December, Pastor challenged us to believe God for a DOUBLING in 2024! With God, ALL THINGS are POSSIBLE! However, we must DO our part!
On Vision Sunday, January 7th, Pastor challenged us ALL to do these 4 things in 2024 —
- Be in church every time the doors are open.
- Be on time (or early)! And, worship ENTHUSIASTICALLY!
- Tell someone about Jesus every month.
- Pray for a sick person—IN PERSON—every month.
As the Bible tells us in Acts 9:31 – we believe that in 2024, we will enjoy “a time of peace;” being “strengthened and encouraged by the Holy Spirit;” that we will grow “in numbers, living in the fear of the Lord.” Acts 9:31 NIV84
Visit this link to watch or listen to Pastor's message from Vision Sunday 2024.
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